As discussed in Exporting standalone batch runs, I developed a .bat file for Repast that will run in “batch mode” on non-development Windows machines. That file appears below. (I’ve also posted a sample .sh file and a sample .command file, both contributed by others. You may get some benefit from looking at those as well.)

start_model.bat, modified by Pamela Toman in 2010 to use BatchMain

TITLE yourModelNameHere
REM Repast Simphony Batch Run Model Starter
REM By Michael J. North and Jonathan Ozik,
REM edited for batch runs by Pamela Toman,
REM on basis of .command file from Stefan König
REM Please note that the paths given below use
REM a unusual Linux-like notation. This is a
REM unfortunate requirement of the Java Plugin
REM framework application loader.

REM fill out the below information so it is true for your installation
set REPAST_SIMPHONY=../repast.simphony
set REPAST_SIMPHONY_ROOT=%REPAST_SIMPHONY%/repast.simphony.runtime_1.2.0

REM Define the Core Repast Simphony Directories and JARs
REM You may not need the line below. I had to reset the classpath (as in the next line)
REM to avoid the character length limit on classpaths (I was getting an "input line is too
REM long" error upon running this file).
set CP=
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY%/repast.simphony.batch_%REPAST_VERSION%/bin
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY%/repast.simphony.runtime_%REPAST_VERSION%/lib/*
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY%/repast.simphony.core_%REPAST_VERSION%/lib/*
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY%/repast.simphony.core_%REPAST_VERSION%/bin
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY%/repast.simphony.score.runtime_%REPAST_VERSION%/lib/*
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY%/repast.simphony.score.runtime_%REPAST_VERSION%/bin
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY%/repast.simphony.dataLoader_%REPAST_VERSION%/bin
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY%/repast.simphony.data_%REPAST_VERSION%/bin
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY%/repast.simphony.score_%REPAST_VERSION%/bin
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY_LIB%/saf.core.runtime.jar
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY_LIB%/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY_LIB%/groovy-all-1.5.7.jar
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY_LIB%/javassist-3.7.0.GA.jar
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY_LIB%/log4j-1.2.13.jar
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY_LIB%/xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY_LIB%/xstream-1.3.jar
SET CP=%CP%;%REPAST_SIMPHONY%/repast.simphony.data_%REPAST_VERSION%/lib/*
SET CP=%CP%;./bin
REM adding the bin to the classpath (above) is important!

REM Change to the Default Repast Simphony Directory
cd yourModelDirectory
REM directory change is needed so that local links don't break when running the
REM program -- e.g. when pulling in data from a folder

REM Start the Model. In the batch version you must include the path to
REM the batch file parameters in addition to the folder containing the model.score file.
java -Xss10M -Xmx400M -cp %CP% repast.simphony.batch.BatchMain -params batch/batch_params.xml

REM move back up a level, to where you started
cd ..